alvisilk chair

item: alvisilk chair
designer: asa karner of alvi design, sweden
materials: fsc oak and silk thread
photos via: inhabitat
comments: asa karner founded alvi design in 2007. here is how she describes her work and the goals she is trying to achieve.

“My ambition is to design furniture and products, using environmentally friendly materials with a focus on sustainable production methods and humane working conditions. These are the criteria I use as a platform for my design and production.” "During my education I put a lot of effort in broadening my knowledge in ecological and sustainable design and production. In my design, my am is to, in a playful way, to combine and push the limits between modern, functional design, art and handicraft from different cultures.”

the inspiration for the design of this chair comes from wooden looms, reflecting the rich history of craft in her native sweden. the line of the chair exudes weightlessness while the pattern of the thread creates complex and beautiful shadows. amazing.